Here at HydroBump, we like to be transparent and honest. So here’s a little secret. When I was pregnant, I tried making and freezing massive batches of lactation cookies for when I was postpartum. And whilst they we’re good (but not great), let me tell you, after giving birth I didn’t have the time or the effort to even consider baking (and this continued for another 12 months or so) and I was nauseated by the thought of another one of those bland cookies I had pre-made.

I wish I had known about Mummy Milk Boost – a Aussie owned lactation cookie company that is Aussie made with REAL and HIGH QUALITY ingredients. Mummy Milk Boost use real couverture chocolate (not compounded chocolate) to ensure quality, authenticity and an unequivocal experience by mum’s Australia wide.
Idea’s of when to eat these bites of deliciousness?
- Night time nursing: Have them next to your nursing chair along with a glass of water and a sachet of HydroBump Hydration Powder so you can give yourself an energy and hydration boost for those multiple night time feeds (we know how hungry and thirsty you get!)
- Handbag: We know running after a toddler and a newborn can be wildly overwhelming so having them handy as a on-the-go snack in your handbag (or maternity bag more likely) will give you that extra boost
- Morning tea: that awkward snackish time between breakfast and lunch is PERFECT for a quick cuppa and a cookie
- Before bed: Nothing beats a cookie for dessert. We can vouch for that.
Is there an increase in calories when breastfeeding?
Yes – you require an additional 400 calories when exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6 months. Breastfeeding women need extra nutrients and this is because the body is working harder to make breastmilk full of nutrients for your baby.
Is there an increase in Hydration needs when breastfeeding?
Absolutely – Breastfeeding women need to replace fluid lost in breastmilk to maintain hydration. Water accounts for 87% of breastmilk and breastfeeding women produce (on average) 780ml per day for the first 6 months (wild!). This is equivalent to 700ml of water and hence a breastfeeding woman needs to drink 700ml above the above the normal daily requirements to maintain hydration.
The Ultimate Snack Duo:
Don’t make our mistake by doing it the hard way. Life is busy and hectic enough. Let HydroBump take care of your hydration needs and let Mummy Milk Boost take care of your daily snacky snacks. Their Mission is “to provide a delicious snack, with the energy they need to support new and busy parents on this parenthood journey”.
We’re so confident you’ll love them that we’ll include a sample cookie in every new order – we got your back mama’s!