Nurturing Yourself and Your Baby: A Guide to Boosting and Maintaining Your Milk Supply


Welcoming a newborn into our lives comes with many mixed emotions. A part of that complex ‘newborn bubble’ matrix is the journey of breastfeeding which comes with its own set of challenges. A lack of general community education about breastfeeding and the challenges associated with establishing a feeding pattern leaves many women confused and unempowered when it comes to breastfeeding.

A common concern is maintaining (and in some cases increasing) a milk supply to meet the needs of your growing baby.

If you find yourself looking for some natural ways to boost and maintain your milk production, here are some effective strategies to consider.

  1. Frequent Nursing: The cornerstone of a robust milk supply is frequent and effective nursing. The principle of supply and Demand highlights the concept that breast milk production matches the infant demand. The rate of milk production increases in breasts that have been well drained (whether by direct breastfeeding or by expressing/mechanical pumping). New mothers are generally recommended to breastfeed 8 to 12 times per day to establish and maintain adequate milk supply. 
  2. Proper Latch: A ‘good’ latch is critical for efficient breastfeeding (if direct feeding). Ensuring your baby is latching correctly will aid in stimulating milk flow, prevent nipple trauma, and help in emptying the breast to further stimulate milk production. If you are expressing or pumping, ensure you have the correct-sized flanges to suit your breast or nipple shape to ensure maximum suction, stimulation, and milk expression. Seeking help from a qualified lactation consultant can be beneficial if you're unsure about your baby’s latch or breast pump sizing.
  3. Balanced Nutrition: Breastfeeding (lactating) women need extra nutrients as the body is working harder to produce breastmilk full of the required nutrients for your baby. An additional 330-400 calories is recommended for breastfeeding mothers. What does 400 calories look like? An example is 1 banana, 1 triangle of cheese, ¾ cup of tomatoes, and 3 wholewheat crackers with sliced cheese. We recommend leaving a snack next to your nursing station for ease of access and just to remind you!
  4. Galactagogues: Galactagogues are substances used to increase milk supply. Whilst many women in Australia use galactagogues such as brewers yeast, fenugreek, oatmeal cookies, etc. to ‘boost’ their milk supply, evidence is still lacking as to their effectiveness. Studies showed varying responses to the use of galactagogues for the purpose of increasing milk production.
  5. Skin-to-skin contact: Skin-to-skin contact with your baby aids in not only strengthening your bond with your baby but also stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone essential for milk letdown which leads to the initiation of breastfeeding. This in turn leads to the cascading events to help in emptying the breast to further stimulate breastmilk. 
  6. Pump wisely: When you're away from your baby, ensure to use a method of milk extraction (pumping/expressing) to maintain your milk supply because remember – supply and demand!
  7. Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is key in maintaining milk production. Breastfeeding women need to replace fluid lost in the breastmilk to maintain hydration as water accounts for 87% of breastmilk. Breastfeeding women produce (on average) 780ml per day for the initial 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding. This is equivalent to 700ml of water and hence a breastfeeding woman needs to drink 700ml above the normal daily requirement to maintain hydrationBelow is a table comparing the hydration needs of pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-pregnant/breastfeeding women:
Ages 19-50 years old Total water (food + fluids) Fluids (including plain water, milk, and other drinks) 
Women 2.8L/day  2.1L/day (8 and a bit cups)
Pregnancy 3.1L/day 2.3L/day (9 and a bit cups)
Lactation 3.5L/day 2.6L/day (190 and a bit cups)



And that’s where we come in. HydroBump was created to help women stay hydrated when they need it most. It’s a Doctor and pharmacist-formulated, Aussie Made and Science backed formula boosting your hydration with every sip you take. Our formula utilises the body’s natural cell mechanism to enhance the water absorption process in the body. Whether you are out and about, running after your children, or working hard – we’ve got you.

Every mother's breastfeeding and postpartum journey is unique. If you have concerns about your milk supply, latch, or any other breastfeeding queries, get in contact with your healthcare professional or lactation consultant for a personalised guide. With patience, support, and effective strategies, you can create a feeding relationship that suits you and your baby’s needs.

Sour Apple - Hydration Booster
Watermelon - Hydration Booster

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Let’s face it. Getting pregnant, pregnancy, postpartum… it’s not easy!

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