From Hydration to Ultrasound – How it’s all linked


We’ve been keeping a secret here at HydroBump…….we’re on the shelves now! We have had some behind the scene discussions with the amazing ‘Miracle Of Life’ in Toowoomba Queensland and they now stock HydroBump’s Hydration Boosters!


Lets talk Ultrasounds:

During pregnancy, there are inevitably a number of ultrasounds for a variety of different reasons. These include an early dating viability scan to determine the viability of the pregnancy, a nuchal translucency scan to screen for 3 common chromosomal abnormalities, and the 20 week morphology scan to look at bubs measurements and cute little features. And for some women, they have a few extra scans throughout the third trimester too!


Why do we use Ultrasounds?

Ultrasounds are the most widely accepted and commonly used form of an investigative method used to assess, monitor and review a fetus during pregnancy. It is readily available, yields extensive results, relatively painless (although transvaginal ultrasounds are not fun!), and is widely considered to be safe.


Ultrasounds, in the hands of a trained professional, allow us to identify structures, genders, movements, the placement of the placenta, the blood flow to and from the placenta as well as the amount of fluid surrounding baby (and if there is enough cushioning). They’re also important in assessing for any concerns during the pregnancy or monitoring any potential concerns – so basically it’s an invaluable tool for a you and your Doctor!


But what’s the correlation of an Ultrasound and Hydration?

We did a little research to see if there was any evidence of direct effect of hydration on the amniotic fluid (the fluid surrounding baby) and this is what we found.


One article by Shahnazi, M. et al ran a randomised control clinical trial on a small number of women that showed hydration significantly impacted the fluid surrounding the baby in term women (between 37-41 weeks) who had low levels of fluid (oligohydramnios).


Another very recent study by Song, Y. et al showed that the total fluid intake by pregnant women during their second trimester was inadequate with only 11% of participants actually meeting the recommended intake (shocking!). They further assessed that the women with lower fluid hydration had lower amounts of amniotic fluid. They deduced (and we agree) that more focus needs to be paid to water intake during pregnancy to ensure optimal hydration status.


The reality is, the only way the before mentioned studies were able to be carried out, is due to the ability to ultrasound these women for assessment.


Is it really that important?

Ultrasonography is a way to assess you and your babies health. Making sure you talk to your health care professional about when to scan (because timing does matter), how to prepare for your scan (because they do require a full bladder a lot of the time – eek!), and what to look for can help in a smooth pregnancy.


At HydroBump, we’re here to help you not just understand more about your body, but more about the importance of touching base with your health care professional during your pregnancy and the criticality of attending your appointments.


Miracle of Life:

At Miracle of life, they offer a wide variety of Ultrasound options for you to have a sneak peek at your bub depending on gestation. Whilst they’re non-diagnostic, it’s a fun way to see how your baby has grown! Visit their website to see the range they have to offer!


At HydroBump, we’re here to help you not just understand more about your body, but more about the importance of touching base with your health care professional during your pregnancy and the criticality of attending your appointments.


Sour Apple - Hydration Booster
Watermelon - Hydration Booster

We’re here to help YOU!

Let’s face it. Getting pregnant, pregnancy, postpartum… it’s not easy!

We’ve created a community of strong, empowered, beautiful and likeminded women so you never have to feel alone in your journey.

Lets chat everything from your experience to bettering your hydration and everything in between!
